Five Facts About Urgent Care Clinics

Reports show that there are approximately 110 million emergency room visits annually, however, not all of the visits are serious to require an emergency room visit. Some issues, such as a sudden onset of the flu, may require urgent attention with out being serous enough for the ER. That’s what urgent care centers, such as Seattle walk in clinic, are for.
A major drive for the growth of the Seattle urgent care industry is the constant increase in the number of doctor visits annually. The increase in visits causes difficulty scheduling patients, longer wait times and less time the doctor can spend with each patient.
Washington urgent care centers can take people in without an appointment, and some facilities even have on sight prescription dispensing so the patient can receive his or her prescriptions without having to wait at a pharmacy. Walk in clinic Seattle is especially important for children, as the average child catches a cold between six and ten times a year.
Urgent care seattle wa. can be especially beneficial during winter months when flu season hits. Anyone needing a flu shot or mediation does not have to wait for an appointment. They can go strait to a Seattle walk in clinic and receive the care they need. Seattle walk in clinic can take patients of all ages for a number of medical needs. Check out this website for more: