You’re Not Alone Three Tips for Fighting Disability Insurance Benefit Denials

Did you know that 20% of Florida residents rely on Social Security? For many of these residents, their only source of income is their social security benefits. Not surprisingly, many elderly people are disabled. However, only 35% of applicants for SSD/SSI are approved. During the first appeals process for this decision, known as “reconsiderations,” another 85% are denied again.
For many people, this process cannot only be financially difficult, but incredibly stressful as well. Are you looking for social security legal help? Here are three tips for getting the coverage you’re looking for.
1. What do You Need to be Eligible for Disability Insurance Benefits?
Part of the issue with establishing disability is understanding eligibility. You need to be able to prove that you cannot do your regular work for at least eight days in a row, that you were actively looking for work or employed when you became disabled, that you had previously earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were made, that you suffered a loss of wages, and that you mailed a claim form within 49 days of the day you became disabled. If this sounds confusing, you might want to consider hiring a social security disability attorney. They can help prove timelines and keep you on track with requirements. In many cases, people forget that their medical files have been stored at different locations.
2. Veterans Legal Advice
When the government denies a veteran for disability coverage, the situation can be especially heartbreaking. Nolo shares the story of one veteran who had to receive triple bypass surgery, at which point he would no longer be able to do any heavy lifting. After his military career, though, there were two years where he worked at a cashier. Because he would be able to do his past work of cashiering, the government denied his disability claim. This is what is called a “technical rationale” that will cause your appeal to get denied. A veterans disability lawyer can help explain to the government why you qualify for disability, and are unable to work currently.
3. The Cost of Social Security Disability Legal Help
In most situations, attorneys work on these cases by contingency. Contingency fees mean that a claimant owes nothing if they lose the case, or pays up to 25% of what they win to the attorney, if something comes out of it. For this reason, it will pay to do your research beforehand. If you think you have a good chance at being approved, wait and see, then call an attorney if you get denied. In addition, “non attorney representatives,” although they cannot help you out in a courtroom, can often be a good source of legal advice for veterans.
Are you having problems receiving social security disability? More on this topic:
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