Testosterone Treatment Centers

Did you know that women in love early in have more testosterone in their bodies, while men have less? After a year, however, this anomaly disappears. What many people do not realize is the effect testosterone can have on our bodies if we have too much, or too little, of it. Low testosterone treatment doctors say that not enough testosterone, especially in men, can not only promote the spare tire effect around the abdomen, but it can also lead to sleep apnea. If you suspect you may have issues with testosterone, it is recommend that you visit a testosterone treatment fort lauderdale. Do not self medicate, however. Too much testosterone for women can make hair fall out, and too much for men can make testicles shrink.
Surprisingly to some, testosterone restoration in Fort Lauderdale is often handled in detox centers. Detox centers are, of course, better known as being treatment centers for people looking to detox from various substances such as alcohol, weed, cocaine, pain pills, et cetera. Detox centers in Fort Lauderdale in general can be good places to go for a change in lifestyle. Unfortunately, even when people are committed to making a change in the way they live their life and want to get clean, studies show that environment can be a huge factor in whether or not people can accomplish their goals. Detox centers are also a bit safer since sometimes the effects of going off drugs or substances can be very painful. In rare cases, detox that is not professionally observed can result in death.
If you decide to visit a Ft Lauderdale testosterone clinic, you will be in good hands. Keep in mind, however, that there are potential side effects to testosterone therapy. One recent study of testosterone had to be halted when the men taking it experienced higher rates of heart problems. Obviously, a study does not have great meaning to the medical community before being completed, but if you are someone who is struggling with heart issues already it might be advisable not to get involved with testosterone treatments.