Keep Your Data Secure With iPhone Enterprise Management Software

Because of the huge popularity of the iPhone and other smart phones, and the increase in the BYOD, or bring your own device, model being employed by many companies, the use of iPhone enterprise management software is important. To give you an idea of how many iPhones are out there, Apple has sold 85 million iPhones since the 2007 launch of the device. Additionally, statistical estimates indicate that by 2015, more than half, 55 percent, of smart phones used in business will be owned by the employee.
iphone enterprise management software is important in managing these smart phones and other mobile devices that are being brought into the workplace. Approximately 66 percent of employees say that they want their IT departments to allow them to choose their own mobile devices, such as an Apple mobile device. Statistics show that one in five people use their iPad or other tablets for business purposes. People use their smart phones to access their business email accounts as well as other network tasks. Protecting the security of your network and business is one of the main goals of using iPhone enterprise management software.
iPhone enterprise management software that is cloud based is a scalable, secure, and convenient approach to the BYOD model. This iPhone enterprise management solution will automatically and immediately support new mobile iOS upgrades and releases. This means that by using iPhone enterprise management software, all iPhones and smart phones will have the latest iOS as well as anti virus and malware prevention software installed. This reduces the security risks to your network.
Another layer of protection provided by iPhone enterprise management software is mitigating harm should an employee lose or have his iPhone stolen. iPhone enterprise management software can either track the phone or completely erase it. iphone enterprise management software will provide a complete list of all mobile devices that are in use by employees.
Using iPhone enterprise management software allows IT professionals to manage the BYOD program in a way that also provides security to the network and data of the company. This iPad security and iPhone security management process will keep your company secure.
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My company recently installed this software and it has really been successful.
My company recently installed this software and it has really been successful.
My company recently installed this software and it has really been successful.
My company recently installed this software and it has really been successful.