Is Your Home at Risk of Being Burglarized? Know the Statistics, Be Prepared

Alarm monitoring system

Is your home protected by an alarm monitoring service? In the U.S. almost half of all home burglaries occur in the South. The Midwest and Western regions make up almost the entirety of the other half at 21 percent each, and the Northeast region experiences a little over 10 percent of all home burglaries.

While knowing statistics will not keep your home from being burglarized, it can be the beginning of realizing that a monitored alarm system is necessary. No region is immune to the risk of a home burglary, and therefore part of keeping your belongings, home, and family safe should be careful consideration of residential alarm systems.

Homes that are common targets for burglars include homes in the Read More

What to Know About Adjustable Mattresses

Bed adjustable

If you are like 80 to 90 percent of people in this country, you suffer from some level of back pain. It might hurt to bend over and pick up a newspaper or to lift a box. Many will attribute this to working too hard or being out of shape, but they are overlooking one crucial factor. One of the most significant contributors to spinal pain is your mattress.

Most beds are flat, which seems obvious and sensible, but the fact is your spine is S shaped. This means every night when you lay down there are sections of your spine that receive no support. Over time this builds up to those sections of your spine experiencing pain. Even more dangerous than the back pain is the daytime drowsiness a poor mattress can cause. Over 40 percent of adults have to deal with this at least a few days each month to a degree that actual Read More

Suffering in the Sickly Summer Heat? Make Your Air Conditioner Last Longer

Air conditioning installation suffolk

Imagine the sickly summer heat without air conditioning. Your family or roommates would be sitting around sweating and sticking to, or slipping off of, your nice leather sofa.

Roman Emperor Elagabalus got desperate in the unforgiving summer heat in the Third Century. With no access to air conditioning for several hundred more years, the emperor sent 1,000 slaves up a mountain to fetch fresh snow, bring it back down again, and arrange it in his garden to cool off his palace.

The good news is none of us are Roman emperors living in the Third Century, and we do not even have to imagine a world without air conditioning. Instead, keep your air conditioning running with these steps and you can stay well removed from the world of Emperor Elagabalus.

1. Start With the BasicsRead More

Is Your Motor Oil a Quiet Killer?

About engine oil

When it comes time to buy motor oil, you may have noticed a number on the container. The numbers come in the following gradings…0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, and 60. This tends to throw off drivers. Most people see a higher number and think that it means it the best motor oil.

This is a misnomer. The gradings stand for the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) viscosity levels. The best motor oil is not necessarily the most viscous. It all depends on what kind of motor you have in your vehicle.

There are not nearly as many people who know much about motor oil as there are drivers in America. Motor oil facts are not exactly readily available to consumers. If one wants to know how to find the Read More