Weathering the Storm of iPhone Security

IPhone security has become a major component of iphone management, especially considering that about 65 million Americans own a smartphone and almost 1 billion worldwide residents own a smartphone. Even knowing that iPhone security only applies to a portion of those users, that still represents significant mobile device management for business users.
The prevalence of smartphones have started a trend of BYOD, or bring your own device, applications in the traditional business landscape. These days we see the emergence of the Desktop Management Interface, or DMI, an industry framework for hardware and software management that has grown with the BYOD culture. It takes patch management and patch management software into consideration as part of the business and IT workflow.
IT departments are watching iPhone security and related issues closely through this evolution because, according to, mobile app development will outnumber native PC projects with a 4 to 1 ratio by 2015. When a majority of those apps have an iOS or iPhone version, we may see a considerable increase in iPhone security problems.
Iphone security will also have to evolve considering that more than 1 billion smartphones may enter the market over the next 5 years, per ABI Research. The trends are clear that an always connected, internet rich environment will be the norm in the future. The staggering growth will look for more robust solutions to device management and security in the coming years.
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