Construction Workers Deaths Have Dropped Over Last 5 Years Due to Fall Arrest Training

Electric chain hoist

Did you know that OSHA conducts random equipment inspections, as well as safety inspections for jobs at random construction companies every year? This is why it is so important to ensure that all of your construction workers are wearing the proper attire and using their fall protection equipment. Steel toe boots and hard hats are a must for construction worker safety.

Because of how dangerous a construction workers job can be, they make more money than most jobs are willing to pay out. In May 2013 the average construction worker hourly wage was around 26.09.

Almost makes the risk worth it, right?

It turns out the construction companies that have high quality safety equipment and train their employees in safety pro Read More

Spend Less Time on Social Media When You Outsource SEO

Seo reseller

If you’re a business that is spending far too much time on social media marketing rather than actual business, perhaps it’s time to employ the help of a social media program to resell social media and free up your time. More than any other time in history, nine out of ten adults are extensively using social media as a way to promote themselves or their business. And online sales are slated to grow from seven percent of all retail sales to about nine percent by 2016.

With such increases, the need to outsource social media to an seo reseller to boost your Read More

Why You Should Consider Orlando, FL for Your Luxury Waterfront Home

Orlando homes for sale

When you think of luxury waterfront homes for sale, your mind probably immediately thinks of many of the white sand beaches in Florida. I mean, what else would be the prototypical setting for luxury waterfront homes? Well, while Miami certainly has wonderful beachfront property, it is another city in Florida that takes the cake for luxury waterfront homes for sale. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider Orlando, FL if you are looking for luxury waterfront homes for sale.

Orlando, while landlocked and without any ocean front property, is absolutely brimming with luxury waterfront homes for sale. How is it that a landlocked city has great luxury waterfront homes? Orlando is a city that is absolutely brimming with lakes. There are 104 named lakes in Orlando, and that’s not counting the surrou Read More